Renewable Energy Communities


The CENERGAM Amendolarese Energy Community, based in the municipality of Amendolara, is one of the first renewable energy communities registered in Italy and certainly the first in Calabria. It was established through collaboration between the Calabrian branch of the prestigious “Anton Dohrn Zoological Station” – Naples, acting as a Prosumer, and the hosting municipality.

Its creation is part of the Crimac project – Centre for Advanced Marine Research and Infrastructure in Calabria, funded by the Ministry of University and Research.

Fotovoltaica Srl was responsible for the technical realization and the entire administrative process for commissioning the plants and obtaining recognition of the energy community by the Gse; having been specifically mandated to act as the Reference by the final customers and producers within the configuration.

The reference has the tasks of:

  • communicating the list of members of the CER, specifying their type (producer and/or consumer);
  • submitting the application to the Energy Services Manager (GSE) for the valorization and incentivization of shared electrical energy;
  • receiving incentives from the GSE and distributing them among the CER members as established by the internal regulations.

Fotovoltaica Srl also offered its collaboration in determining the legal configuration for the establishment of the CER, including aspects related to the elements of the Statute model and internal Regulation.

Since CENERGAM was established during a transitional phase, with limitations related to the geographic perimeter of aggregation, defined by the secondary cabin, and the size of the individual plant not exceeding 200 kW, currently, in light of the publication of the CER DECREE, a process has been initiated to expand its membership base in order to involve the entire territory in a project of environmental policies and sustainability.

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Cenergam, the energy community involving the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station and the Municipality of Amendolara that hosts it, has been established.

Cosenza, September 26, 2023. Public entities, institutions, private citizens, and companies are working together to produce clean energy and protect the environment. This is the goal that all territories should aspire to, and it is already happening in Amendolara, in the province of Cosenza, thanks to Cenergam, the first energy community created from the collaboration between the Calabrian branch of the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station and the municipality that hosts it.

Amendolara energy community, Mayor Ciminelli: "The association with the first families is established. Soon the installation of 10 Kw systems on the roofs of houses."

The community, managed by Fotovoltaica Srl, will also supply energy to the Zoological Station, the Municipality, and some companies to maximize the benefits related to consumption for users…

Cataldo Romeo (Fotovoltaica Srl): “Incentivare la nascita di comunità energetiche, fondamentali per sfruttare i vantaggi dell’energia solare”

The Corigliano Rossano company, a leader in the sector in Calabria, supports the realization of the project in Amendolara, also financing the investment portion borne by private individuals.

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